These are some of the things I want to blog about, got some catching up to do. What I really want to do is write a really meaningful, philosophical post, but these events in the past week were really worth noting down =). So yeah. Here we go!
Saturday, 5th sept, Birthday wishes from CG

This one was memorable because I got my first signed card from alot of people, wishing me birthday =)! Haha! Seriously, 17years of existence, and this was my first signed card (aside from simin's, no matter how last minute it was, it's a fantastic piece of work and I love it =)!) from alot of people ! So happy =DD! What was more, it wasn't even a card, they made a ball out of newspapers and painted it to resemble a basketball! =D It's a basketball birthday card =D! Awesome =D!!! To preserve it, I wrapped it in plastic foil, so that the chalk marks wont fade, and it wont smudge when i take it out to look at it =). THANKS EVERYONE, ONCE AGAIN =D!
Sunday, 6th Sept, 7th month dinner auction work
After church, we went around T1 to while the time away, haha. After that, I took a taxi down to Ang Mo kio industrial park, somewheres, and it cost me $10.80. Okay... The job experience was quite unique, to say. I might not want to do it again. I fumbled up, but I can say it's not my kind of job =p. So yeah. It was after midnight, no bus ==". Taxi home, $10.20. Total expenses=$21. Revenue=$50. Profit = $29. =(. Haha =p
Monday Tuesday, 7th-8th Sept , Stayed over JX house, celebrated nick's birthday.

We stayed over Jin Xuan's house (thanks man), and had a couple of heart to heart talk here and there, which eventually drifted to Men's topic, if you know what I mean. haha! It was a nice talk tho =). Learned more about each other =)!
Wednesday 9th Sept, HT2 BBQ

It was the first mass HT2 outing for me, you can say. It was awesome =D! Though I arrived late, I got there just in time to help carry the food back to the pit! Can't say that night wasnt awesome =)! Learnt and bonded with my cg mates! One day, all of this will feel like a real family =)! And from there, it's bridging the gap between the whole cg =)!
Friday, 11th sept, dead sea scrolls.

This was special. SCIENTIFIC proof of my RELIGION, my GOD, was in front of me. Both barriers broken. My faith is proven true, to be real. It was never a lie. Because this exists, because the Dead Sea Scrolls were not destroyed, I was saved. In March of the year 2009, I was saved. Thanks to Church of Singapore Harvest. Thanks to Harvest Teens. Thanks to God =). His plan for me was unreal. Going to church because of a girl, and staying there because of faith, of belief, that our God is real and he is true. Dead Sea Scrolls, Scientific proof of the verse "Heaven and Earth will fade, but HIS WORD WILL STILL REMAIN." I was so amazed. That all of these scrolls, were still kept in relatively good condition despite these hundreds, thousands of years, and not completely oblilerated as time went by. His word was all around me. I never want to walk alone again. From the 26th of July 2009, I was born again, and from then on I am walking the rest of my life with God and Jesus by my side, leading the way. His word is so amazing.
Sunday, 13th Sept, First tried my hand at the filming, church's multimedia ministry.
To be frank, I was enthusiastic about it at first, but as Joel briefed me on the to do's and what not's, I got less and less enthusiastic about it. It wasnt because of all the tools and machinery i need to learn to use, no. It wasn't because I didn't like the thought of waking up so early to help serve. It was ABIT because I found out that the multimedia ministry really does all the dirty work and it's very taxing, and I'm not very sure I can be depended on this responsibility. It wasn't because of sitting at the back filming the service, feeling abit isolated from it, no. It was because I felt really, as Joel said, the spirit felt dry. I couldn't listen to the sermon well because I didnt feel it was speaking to me of sorts. The praise and worship, the part I love the most, the enthusiasm to sing along to it was sapped away from me as well. Frankly, I just slept the whole of sunday service. I was tired, I wanted to sleep, and I felt that I may as well because I couldn't really feel the sermon sitting at the back. I just started helping out for the first time today, and already I felt really dry, and I missed sitting in front with everyone else, singing and dancing along to the praise and worship. I know that it's my own thing not being able to feel the worship, but maybe it's because my passion is not here? I want to help the church, serve God, but honestly I can't stand routine and repitition. I thought to myself then, that I would try it one more week before I talk to Joel about it. Because, --
First and foremost, I want to know about what God wants me to do, about what he wants me to do to serve him. I wasn't very sure that this was what he wanted me to do. I want to know how God wants me to go about serving him. I don't know if it would be with the multimedia ministry. What I do know is, I'm suffering at the back. I want to serve God regardless, so if he tells me that my place is with the multimedia ministry, then I will do it. Afterall, when God asks us to do something, we don't ask what will happen, we trust him with the results and we do it. Because his plan for us always comes out good =). So yeah. Father in heaven, oh lord our God, show me. Show me the ministry in church you want me to serve you in. I will obey.
"Heaven and Earth will Fade, but His Word will still remain!"