This Is Me.
Keith Wong Yiheng
4th September 1992
Ex-Hong Wen School
Ex-Geylang Methodist School (Secondary)
Nanyang Poly [Sports & Wellness Management]
LA Lakers Fan
GOD =)
Grow closer to God
Make it into NYP basketball Team
Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.
Form a team and slowly train to div1 standard
Leather Molten Basketball
Kobe Zoom shoes
Nike Tee Shirt
Plaid outer collared tee =p
Team to share the dream =)
taggie here.
Love is a minefield. You take a step and get blown to pieces, put yourself back together again and stupidly take another step. I guess that's human nature. It hurts so much to be alone that we'd all rather blow up than be single.
We have no say over the hand dealt us in life, but we do have a lot of control over how this hand is played. We are responsible for bringing out the meaning of our own lives in each moment that we live. Remember each moment happens only once and can never be retrieved again.
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away.
If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had.
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
Si Hui
Zheng hou
Yi Kun
Wei Xuan
Yip Han
Wee Keng
Heng Lee
Hui Ying
Kai Jing
Gek Chuan
Grace Tan
Long Huai
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
I feel that I'm a total dolts when it comes to the matters of my own heart, chasing a girl. That the object of my affection, of which I don't remember dealing any affection to whatsoever, is sooooo outta my league. That I'd slap myself in the face after I realized what I had said and thought of something nice that I could've said, hours later. But then again, this is me. We all know that love hurts, but does it really? Is love supposed to hurt? Maybe we're all so used to love hurting us so much, thinking that it will feel good eventually, that we all grew NUMB to it. I just realized, that maybe it is true, we all grew up thinking and feeling that "Love hurts", and grew numb to it, thinking that that's the way things should be. But it shouldn't be. Real love, PERFECT love, which is the only way love should be, should not and does not hurt at all.
The only love that I know of that doesn't hurt at all is the love from God. That never changes, that always leaves me refreshed, that always overflows my cup, wanting me to change myself for the better, that always faithful to me as long as I am faithful. Isn't that the way love should be? Shouldn't that be the ONLY way love should be? I think so. So maybe, when it comes a time when I love this girl, and it* doesnt hurt in anyway at all, then I'd know, this woman is the soulmate God made for me, for us. The perfect love that He crafted into human form.
(Whether it* hurts seeing her talking to her ex-crush/boyfriend, not being able to talk to her because I'm too DAMN dense when it comes to the matters of my own heart, seeing her walk away upon farewells, and just gazing from afar how radiant she looks, thinking back about how attractive she is to me, thinking about how she's just so far outta my league, thinking about how.... (*negative* traits) she think of me as. )
One likes someone because. One loves someone although. << I understand this phrase, but not many do. Apparently, after deep thought, I don't love her at all. Because I know none of her bad traits. Reasons being I don't know much about who she is as a person, at all.
I am willing Lord. I am willing to wait for the perfect woman you have made for me; and me for her. This perfect love from my partner, it may obviously hurt somewhat, as all mortal things do, but I believe it's not this kind of hurt, this kind of self condemning hurt. Maybe she might come waaay after I'm 21, or maybe she's already in my life somewhere, but matters is, I'm willing to wait. I know you won't make me wait long =).
But still, today, I read in the bible about marriage. For my own further, and maybe yours, curiosity in the future, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 7 =). I rather wait until I look towards God's affairs first and foremost in my life.
On a final note, I pose this question to you all, a question of which maybe only a handfew of you will answer honestly, and most of all prolly keep the answer that you know in your hurts, and there will be many who will even lie about it in their hearts by not carrying out the action that this question requires.
Will you promise yourself that you will wait for the one that God made for you, wait for the one that will complete your other half, willing to pledge abstinence? Actually, it's more than one, but this answer, well, all of you will know it to yourself. But I just want to declare it here, I will wait for the one God made for me, I will pledge abstinence until I'm married to her. Because I trust God, trust that She will be worth it.
We all think and feel that "love hurts", so much so that we assume it to be the norm. We all grow numb to the possibility of a perfect love, a love that feels right all the time, through good times and a bad, a love that you know you will and you want to spend the rest of this mortal life with. This perfect love, that is crafted into human form, by God, just for us. His love, is a perfect love.
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
1:38 AM
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Hello! Been dead for awhile, school life and FACEBOOK distractions together with improper time management left me no time for a lot of things that I want to do. And sadly, one of them was to blog.
I'm doing pretty fine now =). Major exams are over, so that's a biggie there. Might have to take the POA supp paper, but I'm gonna study that anyway tho, since I'll still be using that next year. There's so much to be done in the holidays! I'm gonna train basketball and pt with my friends, I'm gonna play the guitar, I'm gonna draw to my heart's content, and I'm going to study =P. Most important of all, I want to spend time everyday seeking God. So the time from 10pm to 12am, I'll probably be online, but unable to reply =). Exams.... They really sucked alot out of me. Not being able to read the bible because of exams and facebook ==", it really disappointed me as well. I want to grow. I want to change. I want to change the world. But firstly, let's start with myself =).
I love my poly class. I remember reading one of my classmate's blog, he talked about how he's glad our class has no "hierarchy" of sorts, and thus no polictics, no conflicts. I'm glad as well =). There's not exactly any friction between anyone, everyone's just open and fun loving =). I'm elated that this will be the class I will be with for the next three years, working together as one group of people changing the world in our own, little ways =).
Church's been awesome, so glad that God came into my life =). Actually, if we were to go into specifics, he came into my life when I stepped into GMS(S) when I was sec1. Chapel, weekly sermons.... He was already in my life way back then. And like many teachers say, yeah, the one thing I miss about GM is chapel. One period every week, just for us to sing our hearts out for God. Now that it's being phrased like that, it's certainly awesome =D!
Today I had a small epiphany of sorts. I don't know why, but when it comes to close friends I feel ever so insecure, so scared that my actions will make them angry and leave me. But halfway being scared out of my wits, I felt that maybe God is telling me that I should just be quiet for a moment. And so I did. I covered the towel onto my face. I just thought, being quiet, real, honest, and just sat there thinking. He told me, that in order for me to show that I really trusted him, really had faith in His plans that are good for me, it would only be in times when I felt really, really vulnerable. Being open to God's love and grace means opening up your heart, in short, being vulnerable to everything including His love and grace =). And so I placed my worries and insecurity of being so afraid of my friends leaving me, and just stayed calm, went to get a drink, let God do his work. And here we have it, turns out I really was overreacting. I should really learn to have faith in his plans for me everyday of my life =)! God is good, and He is willing ! Can't wait for tml, which is a saturday =D.
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
12:29 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

In the span of not blogging for a while, I learnt to fly. I had my reasons.
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
9:55 PM
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The only way I see,
for you to notice me,
Is when I'm spitting out fire
Making plans to conspire
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
2:32 AM