She Was A Phantom of Delight
She was a Phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight;
A lovely Apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament;
Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair;
Like Twilight's, too, her dusky hair;
But all things else about her drawn
From May-time and the cheerful dawn;
A dancing Shape, an Image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and way-lay.
I saw her upon nearer view,
A Spirit, yet a Woman too!
Her household motions light and free,
And steps of virgin-liberty;
A countenance in which did meet
Sweet records, promises as sweet;
A Creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food;
For transient sorrows, simple wiles,
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears, and smiles.
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A Being breathing thoughtful breath,
A Traveller between life and death;
The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill;
A perfect Woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet a Spirit still, and bright
With something of angelic light.
~William Wordsworth
A poem from Ivan. It's been ringing in my head awhile. Lol. Something to ponder about, the wonder of english =)
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
12:35 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Another case of coming so close yet so far away. God has healed me of this fever within a day. Yesterday it reached a grand high of 39degrees, today I feel alot better, almost 100%! Praise him! My mum still isnt convinced, and won't let me go to the lifechanger camp. I'm still holding out a small flicker of hope tho, tho I know she won't change her mind ==". What does it mean? God healed me of my sickness, but my mum won't let me go?
It just reminds me of how my whole life has been. Case after case of near hits and close misses.
Keep a positive outlook Keith. It's what makes your life better. He has something better in store for you. On the bright side, I caught up on alot of revision, and read like half of The Acts. Tml's the ICA for Sports & Wellness. Press on!
EDIT: My mum just took my passport and malaysian ringgit back. There goes that last flicker of hope.
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
7:54 PM
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
I woke up this morning with a fever. I thought that I could fight it throught the day, but my mum stopped me. As such, I am now at home, unable to go to the Lifechanger Camp.
Damnit. After looking forward to it so much, it seems likely that it was to be taken away from me. Right now, I only hope that I can recover fast enough such that I can go to the camp for ONE NIGHT. That would be good enough.
I was really angry at first. God knew I was looking forward to it, and that's why I can't go. I have to understand that everything happens is because of His will and His wondrous plan. Everything happens because of his great plan. So I have to trust him, trust him with all my heart all my faith, that this happened to me, because God has something greater stored for me. I have to have faith in Jesus.
And believe in Him I will.
After thinking up of all that and writing it down here, I feel better. Not completely better, but my heart feels lighter.
John 3:27
... A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to Him from Heaven.
Everything we receive is from God, and it is His will that we are blessed with things. And His will never fails.
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
9:51 PM
Saturday, June 06, 2009

This was taken last year, about a month before O levels? Funny how during times so stressful and busy is times where those brief moments of freedom feels so unbothered, so worriless. Truly, as the weeks became days, as the days inched ever so closely to the first exams, where brief moments became tiny speckles, so light-hearted, so unanxious do we feel. We enjoyed what we hardly got, to the maximum. I think this picture shows that. I enjoyed those carefree moments immensely. I treasure it in my heart, every moment, every speckle of it. Indeed, the days of our youth are days we can never take back, where every joy and every regret becomes but a dot in the course of our lives. And yet again, they are so significant to us that we look back every now and again, wanting to live back those days that mattered so greatly. How paradoxical that the days of our youth are days which are but a dot and a huge part of our lives.
Maybe that's why I have the heart of a child but the mental, realistic attitude of an adult. I don't ever want to let go of those days, and forever, I want to live everyday like I'm still a youth. That way, every day becomes truly happy.
Until today, I didnt realize I was so stressed. And what exactly was I stressed about? Something that's completely not on my priorities list. That is to say, the list of things that matter to me the most, God, Friends and Family, Studies, basketball. So why am I stressed over something that's supposedly not so important to me? I have no idea. Maybe it's a subconscious message to myself telling me that," Hey, maybe it does matter to you. Maybe you should care about it." So if people reading this still dont get what I'm saying, yeah I'm STRESSED.
I went to service today. After service, I started thinking as I walked towards 108. That's when I indirectly realized my stress, because I kept fretting over it. I had planned to just go 108 and watch people play. I was hesitant wheter or not i should play matches, just shoot hoops, or go home. Ultimately, I decided to play matches, to just lose my mind into the game and focus and have fun. Of course, that worked. But it's not until I just joked around shooting hoops with my friends did I really just lose my mind and destressed. We played around the court like children.
Such as forming a new rebounding tactic, which is simply just jumping onto each other's shoulders. More simply, we just jumped on each other. And the way to box out. Lol. Spinspinspinspinspinspin. It reminded me of why I love basketball. We can just get lost in each other's worlds, and let our imaginations take flight.
I realize that maybe, that's the way that life should be. Living it by the moment. Take life moment by moment, and when the moment's gone, forget it! Move on to the next moment, there'd be more. You will have your chances keith. Though you may feel as pathetic as pathetic now, that won't last long. Nothing lasts long in this earthly world. But in the spiritual world, all things are eternal. So I'm going to hold on tight to God's love. With God, I'm never alone.
I learnt a lil' something in today's service. To sum it up, a portion of it was to love yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you love others? If you love yourself to an extent, you are already beautiful. If you love yourself, you'd hate it if you did something bad or have a certain blemish. You'd do something about it. You wouldn't be lazy. I always thought I loved myself alot, to an extent that I am not vain. I don't care about strangers' opinions of me, simply because I dont care. I love being myself. But I'm lazy. Even though I take proper care of my body and mind, such as doing sports and studying hard, I am lazy. I don't take care of my face, leaving me with oddly shaped pimples on uncommon places. I am a very smart kid, not to brag, but all my teacher say I'm complacent. I don't work hard enough such that people see that I'm smart, I work just enough to prove to myself that I can do it if I tried, but I hardly try hard enough. I slack in trainings because I always think that there is a better way to train and I should think of how to do it. I can be a whole lot better person if I stop being lazy and love myself more. To put it in biblical terms, God so loved the world that he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die for us on the cross. God loves us so much, that he sent his one and only son to die for us, and Jesus Christ too, loves us so much that he died for us, so that we may live free of sin. They love and value our lives so MUCH. Surely, we can love ourselves in that very same way? I'm pretty sure we can.
Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here. Marianne Williamson
"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."~ Alexander Woollcott
"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?" ~ Rabbi Hillel
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
11:17 PM
Friday, June 05, 2009

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. "~ Unknown Author
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
8:36 PM