Yesterday was the day of the ROMP!08 Competition. Shall we start with results? I think we shall not. I think this may be the longest post I have ever written, since I plan to type out every single excruciating details of everything that ever happened ever. Lol.
I started out the day at around 830? My mum asked the maid to make two loaves of kaya bread, which I brought to 108 for everyone to eat ==”. No one was there first, so I warmed up, took shots here and there, ensuring that I had my shot to count on. Went quite well. Soon everyone came and we were on our way. The place we were heading to was NUS i think, the law firm?I find the court there to be quite okay. We played a couple of matches among ourselves to get warmed up. I'll admit, I got pissed about it at first. My team was very.. messed up, or luan. God. Two of the taller players in my team stood outside the 3point arc and took shots ? With no one inside to grab the rebound? Gawd. I calmed down a wee bit after the second match, and after apologizing at snapping at them, I talked to them about it, about how this competition was important to me, about how i want to use this as something to put into my DSA.
Then I went with ivan to go register that our teams had arrived, got our goody bags and team schedules. Man. We were both in different groups, so the only chance we'll meet would be in the semi's. The fixture my team was in was mostly filled with outside teams, while the fixture in ivan's team was filled with school teams. Say what you will, I think that outside teams are harder than school teams because you never know what to expect ==". The goody bags contained like, $2 voucher for 77th street, mini calculator keychain, milo and NEWater? Lol. We took a break in anticipation of our oncoming matches.
Ivan's team had the first game. We were at court 1. Seems their first opponent is an ahbeng team? They didnt fare that exactly well. They couldn't get their rhythm going. But I knew if their heads were in the right place, ivan would sure lead them to victory=p. Too bad his head wasnt in the right place too =p. Ken kiat was sub-ed in after the first half, and together with ivan they pulled the point gap back, but alas it was too late.
My team's first match was against an outside team I think. We started out with a bang =p, with a jumper from me =D. Haha. We got a couple in, including a three pointer from daryl, and our opponents of course, instantenously fought back. It was quite a close fight. One might say that both teams might've even been evenly matched. Jeredy did great by helping me with screens and even a shot of his own. Wei qiang, as always supplied our defensive pressure, and another basket from him. But alas, we lost, with a score of 9 - 12. They pulled up 2 3pointers of their own early into the match, and despite daryl's own 3, we couldn't overtake. Oh well. I know that we could've done better, but oh well. Both teams did well, it's just that mine got less shots in. And i checked =p. our match was the highest scoring so far in that fixture =p.
Our 2nd match we got lucky. how lucky? So lucky that the other team was late, resulting in... A WALKOVER. Lol. A free win! We heard that ivan's team was unlucky enough to receive alot of bad calls ==". Yeah, and because of those bad calls, everyone was pissed. At least this came as a head's up and what we can expect from the other teams. But then it started to rain and everything was halted for awhile to be resumed later. We slacked alot lol. Contemplated going to LAN but in the end didnt.
Soon the rain stopped. I changed into my school shoes because they had a better grip in the rain. So we played our third match. Somehow, daryl will never get shots in when you expect him too. And yet, he get shots in that you will never expect him to =p. This applies. Somehow he manages to be someone who can shoot 3pointers with a wet rubber bouncy ball. How many did he get in? The score in that match ended with 15 - 4. We won. He scored 6 three pointers! That's a WOAH right there. The rest of us got one in, with the wet floor and that rubber ball. The next match carried on the same way. Daryl got less in, but we got enough to points to win the game.
Our fifth match? People started noticing. They guarded daryl much more closely, not allowing him to get off more shots. And as such, he was blocked quite a bit. So I used him as a distraction. Make them think he was gonna pull one off, when in actual fact he;s pulling them out, resulting in more space for me to maneuver. But alas it was not meant to be. We didnt win. But we didnt lose either =D. People say i got really loud and underhanded, shouting for fouls here and there, lol =p. But in a good way. I remembered I intentionally fouled one guy, but no call was made. So i shrugged my shoulders and went on. Then the last shot, I got fouled and shouted to the referee"Foul ref, foul!" While shopping my right hand to show that i was fouled. "Yes foul!" The ref replied. Haha! So I got one free throw. It was now or never. One of the climaxes in what seems like a fairy tale of a day. Miss, we lose. In and I tie the game. Better than tieing than to lose right? So i decided to get it in, MY WAY. Earlier, I airballed an attempt because the ball slipped from my hand. No way that's gonna happen again. I switched into baby ball position. People thought I was shitting, but i wasnt. The ball flew through the air, and time seemed to slow down, as he hit the backboard and into the basket! I TIED THE GAME. And I swear, I roared. "TRUST ME!" While in the process, thumping my chest. Daryl was the hero for the two matches he won. I was my own hero for not losing that game. I even went to the extent of explaining another comical reason on why i chose using the baby throw. "All the memories of us playing ball together, having fun, the magic of basketball was all reflected in that one baby throw." Lol =p.
The sixth match daryl was shooting quite well too. Didnt score as much, but just as well. We couldve won too. The opponents weren't exactly that good too. After quite a good lead, I decided to run the time. Good decision, bad carrying out. I got rushed into shots of my own, where I should've just passed. The game ended in a tie.
The 7th match was one of controversial issues. We got the short end of the stick. Our oppents were way taller than us. I got the shorter end of the stick. I had to guard a 190cm bulky guy. Lol. I fared quite well against him. Of course, our offence leaves much to be desired. But our defence was great. Of course, they still scored because they had height ==". So I was speechless and just carried on. But then things got ugly. That guy tried an AND1 move, and I got pissed. I mean, honestly, they already were going to win us, now they've got to embarass us? That's it, them guys are dead. he tried a move on me with the ball going past me and him chasing it, but he failed. As he threw the ball right behind me for him to get, I boxed him out. So he was stuck there while I got a good luck at where the ball was and sprinted and got it. Ha! Stupid tall asshat. I got a shot off, presumably a 3pointer. But I think those asshat teamates of him said my foot was on the line, so I wasnt sure. I told the ref my foot was on the line, so only 1 point. I wasnt letting that tall asshat having his way with me anymore, so I stole his ball multiple times, and even boxed him out under the basket. He cant stop me when I was on a rage =p. But alas, the last minutes effort wasnt enough, and we lost, 9 - 11. After the match, I started ranting about how disrespectgful that team of asshats were. Obviously, they had not watched coach carter. But it didnt matter. Somehow, we got into the semis.
Guess which team we ended against? It was a team no one wanted to end up with in a knockout round. The Catholic high senior team, I think. No way were these 16year olds. One of them was CHOSEN went to the Adidas Camp overseas, over 190cm 3point shooting center Khaw Yeong Woooi! Another was just as tall, and what I heard from ivan, was still on the Cat high team and can shoot 3pointers. The last one, whom I heard was just a shorter version of Yeong Woooi. Great. 3 3pointer shooters and two tallies. Just great. Alas, it was no time to be worried about them. I had to make sure i believed in myself. Make sure my teamates believed in themselves. Made sure everyone believed in everyone else. "Believe in you, believe in me" I said. We can do this. The score at the end of the match was 9 - 11. Quite close? They eased up on us alot, but I at least I can say, we may have given our best in this " We are underdogs" Match. Daryl got 2 3pointers in, I got two buckets, wei qiang had two and jeredy had one. They got alot of 3pointers in, two dunks by Yeong Woooi! It was awesome to say. First time in my life, a dunk was performed against me. Wow. Daryl was under that dunk. Lol. I really man-ed up on him, yeong woooi. Maybe I had something to prove? That I wasnt going to let him have an easy time? I guarded him quite close, I wasnt allowing him to get past. Well, he could have =p. But he didnt. I even got a couple of steals in that game, due to them lao qiu-ing. I even got one fake in! But the shot i attempted after that rolled out of the basket... Wei qiang, lol, he faked that guy too, but same result.. My highlight of that game was I got the last bucket in! It was a desperation, tyco shot lol. All in all, I was honoured to play in that match. We, coming from humble GMS(S), might never had a chance of facing cat high. An MVP nonetheless! It was an honourable and awesome experience. Even though we lost, I was still ecstatic. And, as many of can guess, this is the climax of this story. Humble old GMS(S), facing Cat high =p.
The resulting moments in time aren't really of significant importance, but mostly because it's still important in a way. Okay. That did not make sense. oh well. Anyway, so the very last match of the day was to decide 3rd and fourth placing. Ultimately, alot of mistakes were made, and jeredy even got a cramp! So....... We got 4th! I honestly say, we coulda have beaten their asses all the way back to last year, but ball was wet, and we were warmed down... so yeah.
4th result holds no material prize, but i plan to use this in my DSA =p. out of 16 teams or more, ended up as 4th place =D.
After that, me jeredy and wei qiang took a walk on the track to warm down. Today had been one of the very best days of my life. This was why I love basketball. The atmosphere, the people cheering for you when you score. The magic of basketball, being able to magicly get a basket just by trying again and again. I love basketball. I love the atmosphere it gives. I love how magical it is. I love hearing the sound of a basketball. I love playing against unfavourable odds. I love the challenge. Or so I've told them both =).
Soon we camwhored abit and left. Jeredy told me that he was aiming for SAJC, now he wants to play basketball in SAJC too, side by side with me. I was touched ='). Well work hard then jeredy! you have two years worth of basketball to catch up on! Wei qiang also said he was honoured to be on the same team with me =). Hey, same goes to you, and everyone in my team =). We were great guys, let's do this again.
Haha =D. Tall floaty arm-wavery guy!
Before the first match. Woo! Ivan's looking hot =p. Haha! Ken Kiat's checking out his biceps!LOL jk =p.
Group pic =D
Mutombo!!!!! Lol. We're finger-wagging. Originating from an NBA player wei qiang emulated =D.

Haha! Jeredy's cheeks are pinched!
Just another day
that started out like any other.
best day of my life!
Jesse McCartney
[Keith wrote this, thanks for reading! =D]Y,
12:23 PM